Friday, February 1, 2013

3rd week in Italy: school, school, more school

This week was pretty boring! The weather was very bipolar so exploring Florence after class wasn't always an option. Good news though: it's getting warmer and raining a little less, and it's hopefully a sign of good weather to come!

Unfortunately, this week started off a little poorly. On Sunday night I did laundry, and because my family doesn't have a dryer, I had to hang my clothes 6 stories above the ground on a clothesline. Sunday was beautiful so I hoped Monday would be too and that my clothes would dry overnight... NOPE. I woke up around 4am on Monday morning and it was POURING. Needless to say, I instantly missed home and the ease of doing laundry! There was also no hot water that night when I showered, so my homesickness skyrocketed for a few hours...  

On Tuesday, I had 8 hours of class... I never have that many hours of class at Pitt, so it was a little rough, especially considering that all of Tuesday's classes were taught in Italian which requires a bit more concentration than English-taught lectures! It hasn't really been a problem so far, but it's definitely draining. That night, I had dinner with my homestay family and my homestay brother's girlfriend, Paola; during dinner, we started talking about how Paola is from Certaldo. My homestay dad explained that this is where Boccaccio, father of Italian language and literature, was born- I interrupted him to tell him that I knew who Boccaccio was and that I've read some of his works, to which everyone had an incredulous reaction. It was even funnier when I explained that I also listened to some Italian music... My homestay dad said I'm the strangest American they've ever hosted!

Wednesday... I can't even remember what I did Wednesday, so it must have been a TRULY boring day! I think it rained all day, so when I got back home after my 3-hour Italian language class, I didn't want to go back out!

Hopefully this weekend is a little more eventful because I don't want to bore you guys with my non-adventures!  A possible weekend trip to Venice for carnevale is being thrown around!

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