One of my main goals for studying abroad was to immerse myself in the Italian community, but it is somewhat difficult because the Florentine community is exceptionally private and very closed. Thankfully, with a little bit of exploration, two friends found a coffee shop run by a mom, and her 20 year old son, Massimo. Friday night, Lorenzo and I met up with Massimo and his friends for a little bit. Although there wasn't TOO much integration between the groups, hopefully it will lead to more nights together. After hanging out at the coffee shop, I went home because I had to wake up early (6am!) to catch a train to Ravenna for a fun-filled weekend. On my walk home, I ran into Professor Looney and his wife. As per usual, they recommended places to go in Ravenna- they are both so knowledgeable about everything, it's fantastic.
Saturday morning came along and I was unable to get out of bed. I texted Kelsey and Tylar telling them that I wouldn't be able to go to Ravenna- I was nauseous, dizzy, and had a killer headache. I felt so awful about not being able to go to Ravenna because I was excited to see the mosaics it is famous for, and most importantly, Dante's tomb, but there was no way I was going to be able to make it... and in the end, I'm incredibly happy I was so sick that morning.
When I finally felt like an actual human being again, I texted Lorenzo (one of the only CAPA kids who was left in Florence this weekend- Catie/Julia were enjoying a weekend in the French Riviera, Ty/Kels were on their way to Ravenna) and we got lunch, got coffee (and planned to meet with Massimo later that night), and then decided to walk around Florence. The day was GORGEOUS... only one cloud in a beautiful blue sky, sun shining, breeze blowing... we couldn't pass up the opportunity to explore!
Walking along the Arno River. |
I had heard about a HUGE antiques market at Fortezza da Basso held every 3rd Saturday and Sunday, and even though I only had a SLIGHT idea of where it was, we decided to head over anyway. It was really nice just walking through the city, especially because it was a part I had never even seen before! I discovered a few more gelaterias that I want to try, a store that seemed to have really nice, inexpensive shoes, and another vintage shop. After a bit, I decided to ask someone where the Fortezza was... turns out we were heading in the wrong direction... but we finally got to the market after a bit of backtracking. The market surrounds a fountain (which must be beautiful in the summer, considering how pretty it was in February...) and is made up of a bunch of tents where locals go to sell their antiques, books, clothes, etc etc. Unfortunately (or fortunately, for my wallet), I had no cash on me, but I hope I'm in Florence next time it comes around.

We kept walking, and even tried to do homework, but the day was too nice and it wasn't working out... and after all that walking, I needed a nap! We walked farther on Saturday than I had ever walked in Florence, but it was such a lovely day and I couldn't waste it being inside.
wut. |
That night, Lorenzo, Evan, and I went across the river to the Piazza of Santo Spirito where we met up with his flatmate, his girlfriend, and some of their friends... students from all around the world: Mexico, Palestine, El Salvador. We drank at a bar, went to a club, danced for a few hours and then tried to find a secret bakery. Yes... a secret bakery. These are the locations where bakers who supply local pastry shops make all their goods, and to be able to supply the shops so early in the morning, they begin baking around 3 or 4 in the morning... and if you find a shop, you can buy a delicious, warm pastry right out of the oven. I'd found one about a week ago, but to the group's dismay, it was closed last night! We ended up going to Mr.Pizza where I met 2 of the coolest Italian girls (and their Spanish friend) after joining in on their rendition of Volare. (Don't read the following, parents!) Now, with a few beers in me, my Italian was on fire! I was speaking as if I were fluent- it was amazing, and they were loving it! I showed them how to sassy snap, we discussed a possible nickname (K.Lo), and they said that after their exams, they'd invite me to parties and shopping. I was absolutely ecstatic about the opportunity because I love practicing my Italian but hanging out with only CAPA kids (most of whom don't speak any Italian) is detrimental to my language improvement! We exchanged numbers and when I got home, I already had a friend request from one of the girls. It was honestly just the cherry on top of a fantastic Saturday! Even though I wasn't able to go to Ravenna/Rimini/San Marino, I can confidently say that integrating myself into the community and making friends was just as amazing, if not more so.