Saturday, January 12, 2013

The stress of traveling... I hope it never happens like this again.

The day I left for Firenze was incredibly stressful and just a strange experience in general. I woke up around 8 when my mom came into my room; I was so confused at first (why was it so bright? why wasn't she at work? what the hell was going on?) and until she asked me "Uhhh, aren't you going to shower?" it seemed to have slipped my mind that I was leaving that day! I jumped out of bed and got all my last things packed... or so I thought.

My dad drove us to Philly for my last American meal (legit cheesesteaks from Pat's) but I couldn't even eat because I was so nervous! Then we drove to the airport where Tylar (a friend also going on the Pitt-in-Florence program) and I decided to get together before check-in so our parents could meet and for a few teary-eyed goodbyes. After giving my family half a bajillion hugs and assuring everyone that I’d have a fun and safe time, I finally went through security.

We met Kelsey at the gate and waited a few hours with butterflies at an all time high- WE WERE ABOUT TO EMBARK ON A 3 MONTH JOURNEY TO ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES ON THE PLANET. It was truly unreal. We boarded on time but unfortunately, there was a small problem with the plane… as a result of the 3-inch dent near the cargo door, our plane was delayed by 2.5 hours. Yes, we waited inside the plane for one hour of repair and one and a half hours of “paperwork.” During this time, I experienced intense anxiety because I had an hour and a half to make the connecting flight in Frankfurt, something that eventually became impossible. Trust me when I say that I was nauseous for the entire 7.5 hour flight to Germany… wondering what would happen with my luggage, what I would do to get another flight, how late I’d get to Florence. It was absolutely draining!

In order to take my mind off the possible drama that I would encounter after landing, I decided to watch Pitch Perfect (meh), The Dark Knight Rises (amazing, marry me JGL, marry me Anne Hathaway), and then study my Italian textbook… huge mistake trying to study. I realized how much Italian I had forgotten which made me incredibly nervous for meeting my Italian host family, so I tried to sleep. No luck there either. The entire time I was hoping this horrendous traveling experience wouldn’t be a bad omen for the rest of my semester!

After a grueling 10 hours on the plane, we had finally arrived at the Frankfurt airport. The pilot announced that those who had missed a connecting flight already had a flight to Florence arranged and they only had to go to the Lufthansa transfer desk- perfetto! After going through immigration and customs, all us Pitt-in-Florence kids got our new tickets, waited at the gate, and boarded our new Lufthansa flight with no problems at all! Things were finally improving!

The flight from Frankfurt to Florence was very short and we were in Florence in no time! A few of the CAPA staff met us at the airport and put us into taxis that would then take us to our homestays! My family welcomed me and directed me towards my room… with my own bathroom, balcony, and a view of THE FREAKING DUOMO DI FIRENZE. I was in heaven!! I unpacked all my things and then accidentally took a short nap- traveling for so long can make a girl super tired!

My mamma and I talked for a while after I woke up and I surprised myself by being able to communicate with her. It was a bit difficult, but I think I’m getting better so hopefully by the end of the semester, I will be able to speak without any problems and without pauses! We ate a dinner of lasagna, veggies, cheese/bread, and fruit for dinner… and everything was fabulous. Even the fruit tastes better here!!

I ended up sleeping right after dinner in order to be well rested for the CAPA led tour the following day.

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